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ship model
About the construction of the
wooden scale model:
- Built from scratch,
Copper-plated bottom:
individual copper pieces (no copper paint on wood, also no fake lines
on wood.)
- Authentic extensive rigging system comprised of many
different sizes of rope.
- Lower sails are furled to give a comprehensive view of
the beautiful deck.
- Full length masts and bowsprit per construction plans.
Blackened metal cannons and wooden carriage. Under the main deck, all guns are "real" guns which
have proper barrels and wooden carriages which sit on 2
real decks under the main deck. These
guns are not simple barrels inserted into the hull
like in cheap models.
History of the
ship of the line Bucentaure:
Bucentaure was
an 80-gun ship of the line of the French Navy, and
the lead ship of her class. She was the
flagship of Vice-Admiral Latouche Tréville.
At the Battle of Trafalgar, on 21 October 1805,
Admiral Nelson's
HMS Victory broke the French line
just astern of Bucentaure and just ahead of
Redoutable. Victory raked her less protected stern
and the vessel lost 197 men and 85 were wounded
(including Captain Magendie). Admiral Villeneuve survive, but Bucentaure was unable to
fight effectively anymore. After three hours,
she surrendered to HMS Conqueror.
Villeneuve is supposed to have asked to whom he was
surrendering. On being told it was Captain Pellew,
he replied, 'There is no shame in surrendering to
the gallant Sir Edward Pellew.' When he was
informed that the Conqueror's captain (Israel Pellew)
was Sir Edward's brother, he said, 'England is
fortunate to have two such brothers.'
In the following days, Bucentaure's crew rose up
against the British prize crew and recaptured the
ship. However, she was wrecked in the
gale-force storm of 23 October 1805.
Dimensions and price of
the Bucentaure model ship:
38" T x 29" T x 11" W. Please contact us
for price.
Model is built per commission only. We require only a
small deposit to start the process. Click
here for
more information.
Illuminate the model for
special occasions, dimly lit room:
$300. Powered by a
standard 9v battery hidden under the base for your

Nobody builds better
tall ship models than ModelShipMaster.
here to learn more.
arrived monday afternoon 16th what good service.
Unpacked and in position they are an asset to the
collection and most of all a credit to you and your
craftsmen. Contact you soon re further work. Kind regards Ken B."
For related interest to
the Bucentaure, click to check out our beautiful
Redoutable model,
HMS Victory.