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opening of Foundation Louis Vuitton
October 27, 2014 marked the beginning of a new
architectural era.
building was one of the
greatest technological challenges of the 21st century.
With twelve
twisting glass sail-like panels stand up to high wind,
the Foundation demonstrates esthetic audacity like that
of a real sailing ship.
Gehry distinguishes himself from other
architects by his original work process: he starts by
giving his imagination free rein constructing of a
series of models. He crafted the initial models by
hand, then developed further with the aid of computer
This is not Louis Vuitton's only new major nautical
adventure. In 2012, they opened a
South East Asian flagship store in
Singapore. The radical design for a stand alone store
has become the first of it’s kind.
Louis Vuitton and other designers have transformed
sporting through sailor wear, adventure through the myth
of the high seas, and rebellion through surf culture.
It’s a global journey and the sea covers most of Earth’s
surface after all!