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ANDROMEDA Sailing Yacht
Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage

The Andromeda is a Bavaria
C50, a sailing boat made by a Germany's Bavaria Yachts.
She has five cabins and room for up to 11 people. At the
site of the blasts, the Baltic Sea is about 80 meters
deep, requiring specialist diving skills and special air
tanks, one with a helium-oxygen mixture and one with
pure oxygen. The amount of explosives used in the
sabotage attacks, as well with the necessary breathing
apparatus, is estimated to be several hundred kilograms.
Germany found traces of subsea explosives in samples
taken from a yacht that it suspects may have been used
to transport the explosives to blow up the Nord Stream
gas pipelines.
We build this primarily
wood Andromeda sailing yacht model at 18" long. Email us
for price.
Learn more about the
Andromeda sailboat here: